
If you are a fan of red berries, you should try out this smoothie! It is packed with good flavonoids, vitamins, and delicious taste. With only 4 basic ingredients, it is easy and quick to make. It is a perfect start for your day, or a delicious snack whenever you feel like it.

Vegan, refined sugar-free, gluten-free 

Healthy Red Berry Smoothie: Cranberry & Strawberry

Makes 1 serving 

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Total time: 5 minutes


1 cup fresh or frozen strawberries

1 banana

1/2 cup plant-based milk, e.g. oat milk, almond milk

1-2 spoonfuls Arctic Flavors wild cranberry powder


  1. Mix all ingredients in a food processor or with a blender
  2. If you would like, you can top the smoothie with fresh or frozen berries, a sprinkle of the cranberry powder, or some nuts and seeds.
  3. Enjoy your flavonoid- and antioxidant-rich red berry smoothie!

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