
Yogurt with homemade granola is a classic recipe for breakfast or snacks. This version has two layers: a white top layer of delicious plain Greek yogurt, and a purple bottom layer of Greek yogurt mixed with the wild blueberry powder.


Vegan option: Substitute Greek yogurt with plant-based yogurt

Gluten-free option: Use gluten-free granola or plain oats

Double-layered yogurt with granola

1 serving

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Total time: 5 minutes


1 cup (240 mL) Greek yogurt

1-2 teaspoons Arctic Flavors wild blueberry powder

granola (preferably homemade)

fresh fruit, such as pomegranate seeds or banana slices (optional)


  1. Mix half of the yogurt with the wild blueberry powder. Pour into a cup.
  2. Add a layer of granola.
  3. Add rest of the (plain) yogurt.
  4. Add another layer of granola.
  5. Finish with fresh fruit & enjoy!

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